Welcome to the Farsight Files...

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I have always had an interest in the Paranormal and all things strange, as far back as I can remember. However, I have never really looked deeply into the subject, well until now! You see the other great interest of mine was to write, but never found a subject which inspired me. I created the Farsight Files as a means to document my experiences, what I learn and hopefully any cases I investigate. I hope you enjoy reading the blogs and please feel free to leave comments, as they fuel further discussion and subjects for blogs.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

A Brief Update and A New Spin on Ghosts !

Just thought I better post a bit of an update before it seemed like I had forgotten about this Blog!

I am still working hard on the Farsight Files in the background, but unfortunetly its not my only work. I also have a full time job which is taking up much of my time. Shame really as my job has not a lot to do with my investigation into the paranormal. I havn't forgotten though and hope to get something good to share with you soon.

Thought I would use this brief entry as an opertunity if anything to share with you a theory of a Ghost-Hunter that I have been reading about recently. The man in question is Andrew Green who was ghost hunting up until his death for about sixty years, a touch of an achievment I think. He's theory is as follows, in his words;

"Ghosts exist as an object form of phenomena, as a type of electricity situated in a particular locality. This static is, we suggest, in a wave pattern, which can be visualized by a person as the transmission form their mind which matches the original impression. The witness feels cold as a result of an electro-chemical process and immediately afterwards sees the ghost.

This cold sensation could well be the catalyst which switches on the mentally recreated picture so to speak. The picture is merely a mental image of some person or a pet animal, the death or injury of which causes intense shock to the creator of that image. This picture is transmitted unconsciously to the actual site and visulaised in a telepathic fashion and as such exists."

Basically Andrew was saying that ghosts do exist, but not exactly as we may think they do. That is they may not be a spirit stuck here for some reason, but a type of energy transmitted to a location during a traumatic or intense moment. His conclusion being that a ghost may not be dead ! His evidence was that after working hard on a rockery in his garden he unknown to him tranferred that energy in the form of himself. Later after selling the house the new owners and their daughter came to his new house for some reason. The daughter had never met Andrew before, but on meeting him she suddenly fainted. The reason given for this was because she believed him to be a ghost. Why? He was alive ! She told them that this was the same man she had seen around their rockery at home, to which she had referred to as a ghost!

The man who had investigated the paranormal for sixty years, been coined 'the specter inspector' and was even said to be a ghost himself, may have come up with a fresh new spin on ghosts. However, these days we investigate in a similar way and look for energy readings and temperature drops. Could Andrew Green have pathed the way for the Ghost-Hunter's of today?

However, I must admit that the theory that links ghosts to the afterlife seems to give us a more belief based system to investigate. Something I try to avoid, as I wish to find the truth and strong evidence regarding paranormal activity ! That doesn't mean I dismiss religion and beliefs. After all we must embrace all angles to gain a greater understanding of the bigger picture.

If you wish to know more about Andrew Green and some of his cases, may I suggest reading the same book I am 'Ghost-Hunter's Casebook - The Investigations of Andrew Green Revisited'.

Feel free to comment and give me your opinion on the whole ghost thing? Do you side with Andrew Green, ghosts are residual energy dead or alive? Or, do you believe that ghosts can only be related to the dead?


  1. Hi Ash its Jim. Nice little post there but I thought I would just raise a small issue. Obviously Andrew was refering to "Ghosts". As a paranormal investigator I know two terms within the field that people seem to think are the same. Ghost and Spirit. A ghost is a recording if you like, layed down by stone tape theory as Andrew has described in that passage. The term spirit is used to explain an occurence which shows intelligence rather than just replaying something. Hope this gives you a little more insight.

  2. Hi cuz,I must say that in my experience ghosts/spirits are definatley related to dead people, however I have heard about energy being transferred to various other places hence somebody thinking they had seen a ghost.
    I would say though that that is exactly what they see - an energy, not a ghost as though someone had passed over.
